Turning Mobile Learning into Opportunities for Teachers and Students
AUTHOR(S) - Rachna Thakkar
PAPER ID – IJMPCV1I101220622000004
DOI – 10.55083/cct.ijmpc.2022.v01i01004
ACCEPTED – 02 APR, 2022
PUBLISHED – 14 APR, 2022

There is no doubt that mobile learning will form learning technology deserts in every country in the world. Looking back at the past long stretches of multifaceted learning, we can see how growing evidence and mobile experiences are guiding the blueprint for other leading learning technologies, bringing learning to individuals and communities—communities that were previously too remote or too expensive. . to equal or improve, advance and test the origins of learning itself. This was done in an unmistakably global environment, with the aim of progressively gaining notoriety and recognition worldwide. However, it was not entirely innocuous as a vehicle of clear intentions. This article examines the past decade and then envisions a future in which thinking in terms of learning technology becomes increasingly dangerous as technology, especially general-purpose technology, becomes an inescapable, ubiquitous, ubiquitous feature. and defining that is underestimated and not worth it. to focus on it. Technology and wearable technology have already entered the world in many ways, both incrementally and indiscriminately, but the world is rapidly evolving into one that would be incomprehensible without technology, particularly wearable technology. The increasing availability of low-cost remote and portable devices and associated infrastructure presents both opportunities and challenges for students, faculty, and foundations. With the survey “What is feasible in mobile learning?” This article attempts to contribute to the discussion. Also, ask yourself, “Why is it important to track these potential outcomes? As the deadline for developing overarching principles and realistic dreams for mobile learning approaches approaches, a key issue is identified that goes beyond explicit statements and branded technologies to examine global patterns. future efforts and thoughts in the field of information technology.
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Rachna Thakkar. (2022). Turning Mobile Learning into Opportunities for Teachers and Students. International Journal of Management Practices and Commere (IJMPC), Vol.1 Issue 1, pp 01-07. https://doi.org/10.55083/cct.ijmpc.2022.v01i01004
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