Review of Literature is Foundation and Blood of Research
AUTHOR(S) - Showkat Ahmad Dar, Prof. P. Sakhtivel
PAPER ID – IJMPCV1I101220622000008
DOI – 10.55083/cct.ijmpc.2022.v01i01008
ACCEPTED – 14 JUN, 2022
PUBLISHED – 18 JUN, 2022

You must learn how to produce a solid literature review if you want to have a successful academic or even professional career. The capacity of a student to summarise and synthesise previous research on a topic not only demonstrates that they have a good grasp on the available knowledge, but it also benefits in their learning process. Literature reviews are frequently misinterpreted and underdeveloped, despite their importance. The goal of this article is to help researchers learn how to do a literature review and how to enhance their writing skills. This section includes discussions on the structure, technique, and art of literary reviews. Tertiary students may be required to write a critical literature review at the undergraduate or postgraduate level. The literature review serves to identify your study as part of a thesis or research paper by outlining baseline facts, as well as where you agree or disagree with previous work and how your work adopts or rejects other people’s methods. According to Shuttleworth (2016), a literature review can serve as a precursor or guide in the introduction of a research paper, as well as a complete paper in its own right. It is frequently used as the first stage of large research projects, allowing the supervisor to determine whether the student is on the right track. The writing or design of a review of literature is currently a major source of worry among Indian scholars; nevertheless, universities lack a uniform setup or approach for reviewing literature. Thus, the study’s goal is to highlight the design, length, and value of a literature review for thesis work or article construction, as well as to provide essential recommendations for the aforementioned difficulties.
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