A Study of Quality of Work-Life, Organizational Commitment: A Review
AUTHOR(S) - Dr. Namrata Gain, Amit Kumar Kushwaha
PAPER ID – IJMPCV1I101220622000005
DOI – 10.55083/cct.ijmpc.2022.v01i01005
ACCEPTED – 06 APR, 2022
PUBLISHED – 14 APR, 2022

The paper examines the various dimensions of QWL concerning organizational commitments and employees’ turnover in terms of their productivity. Study based on secondary data like many research papers, articles, reviews, and other available documents based on the views, comments, and results found by the previous researcher. Major attributes of the study under the QWL are- safety, working conditions, opportunities, organizational commitments including- Commitments, emotional attachment, and normative commitments. Turnover includes- the productivity of an employee, etc. these are the key attributes of this paper. Researchers believe that QWL plays a very important role because it’s somehow related to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The last five years of literature are considered here to justify the research with the help of previous research papers. This paper aims to make a comparative analysis of the above frame-mentioned topic with different views and with different mindsets. According to their vision and vision researcher wanted to summarize this study.
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