Training and development help employees to enhance their expertise and proficiencies essential to increase bottom-line outcomes for their organization. This is the key ingredient in any automobile organisation to ensure better after sales Service prospects for their customers, which eventually lead to business generation and market expansion for the brand. Having organized methods for Training and development ensures the systematic learning for the employees about their product, which increases their job knowledge and skills of employees at each level and further assists in enlarging the horizons of mortal intellect and an overall personality of the employees. This research analyses various need analysis based on training and development practices with the Dealerships and explores the anticipated link between the training and employees’ productivity.
The auto manufacturing business in India is known amongst the largest Industries in the world with an average yearly manufacture of 23.96 million vehicles, subsequent growth of 2.57 per cent over the last years. The Automobile industry of any country holds approximately 7.1 % of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The 2 Wheelers fragment, with 81% of marketplace, is the spearhead of the Indian Auto bazaar, owed to a mounting intermediate class and an undeveloped population. Furthermore, the emergent concentration of businesses in discovering the country markets added ministered the growth of the sector. 13 % of market share is held by only the Passenger Vehicle (PV) segment. India has been a prominent exporter that holds strong evolution potentials for the near future in the export Market. Automobile business in India has increased by 15% in last many years now; the actual growth is observed post FY 2014–15’. Looking at the Automobile segment in India, the Government of India has started taking good initiatives in order to promote the automobile Players to brand India a trailblazer in the market for 2 Wheelers and 4 Wheelers in the world by 2020.
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● Sustainability Report by TATA Motors
● VaasanAmmattikorkeakoulu University of Applied Sciences International Business topic – Effects of training on Employee performance. Evidence from Uganda – 2013