In current scenario where business environment is continuously expanding; Buyers’ are more aware about product quality, price and services provided by the marketers. Buyer has become the king in the market. They have hidden but powerful autonomous operating power. They seems enjoying a lot of freedom of buying decision. Sometimes buyers’ in the position as influencer and other hand marketers keep trying to influence them through many techniques; such as sales promotion, advertisement. A situation where buyers demand the products from marketers it comes pull strategy of marketing and the another situation when marketers trying to create demand by pushing dealers to increase/create demand it called push strategy of marketing. As a result marketer uses and apply several techniques which are help to make buyer attention successfully. As a result buyer uses their power of buying decision freely. And as per their degree of satisfaction they attract or distracts.
Background of social science in International market buyers’ has become the king. They can behave according to their individual freedom and power. He enjoys his great opportunity of freedom at the time of buying. Shoppers’ are lying in a position to attract/influence by producers or sellers capacity, characteristics, and constituents of merchandise, cost and after-sales aids and supports, amongst the alternative goods and services. As an outcome of the seller’s dose not any more endures “seller’s markets”, its turn into “buyers markets”. With the boom in Indian retail sectors, several players came into market with totally different retail formats.
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Reference from News/Magazines/NEWS Papers-
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Reference from my own previous Research Paper-
1. Research paper entitled “A Study on Changing Consumer Perceptions towards Organised Retailing from Unorganised Retailing in Raipur City. Chhattisgarh” presented on International Seminar on Evolving Management Strategies for India’s Economic GROWTH at Oriental College of Management on May, 2015.
2. Research paper entitled “Retailing in India” published on monthly journal at Sai College,
Bhilai (C.G.) Feb-2012.
3. Research Paper entitled “Study on Organised and Unorganised Retailing in Raipur City” presented at National Conference organised by Awadhesh Pratap University, Reewa (M.P.) on April- 2012.
4. Research paper entitled “A Study on Consumer Behavior in Retail Industry” presented at
KITE, Raipur on Feb-2012.
5. Research paper entitled “Impact of globalization on Consumer Buying Behavior with competitive strategy change in food retail Industry” presented at International Conference organised by Ajay Kumar Garg Institute of Management, Ghaziabad (U.P.) on Jan-2011published by Macmillan.
6. Research paper entitled “Requirement of Knowledge Management in today’s Retail Industry” presented at International Conference organised by Ajay Kumar Garg Institute of Management, Ghaziabad (U.P.) on Oct.-2011published by Macmillan.
7. Research paper entitled “Recent trends in Management and Technology” presented at
Shri Rawatpura Sarkar Group of Institutions, Raipur (C.G.) on Jan-2011.
Publications Based on Research Study
1. Research Paper entitled “A Study on Role of Sales Promotion on Consumers’ Buying Behavior” presented at National Research Conference, Organised by S.K.N. Singhad School of Business Management, Pune (Maharashtra), published at special issue of journal SANKALAN, Volume-2, Issue-2, ISSN-2454-9266 on November 2016- April
2. Research paper entitled “Development of Scale for Impact of Sales Promotion on Consumers’ Buying Behaviour (ISPCBB)” published in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) volume-5, E-ISSN 2348-1269, P-ISSN 2349-
5138 on October, 2018.
3. A Study On Role Of Sales Promotion on Consumer Buying Behavior (With The
Reference Of Future Lifestyle Fashion) at 10th International Conference of Business
Management, organized by Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior (M.P.) on
January, 2019.
4. “A Study on Impact of Sales Promotion on Consumer Buying Behavior in Digital Age” (Study based on Future Retail Limited.) Under Review at 3rd National Marketing Seminar on “Marketing in Digital India: Trends, opportunities and Challenges” on 16th March, 2019. Organized by Prestige institute of Gwalior, M.P.